INTERIOR Home Painting - Redding, CA
If you need a room or the entire inside of your home painted, Golden Crest Painting will do an excellent job for you. A fresh coat can work miracles in a room that has been neglected for a long time. A new coat of paint will also add value to a home that is about to be put on the market. If you have ever tried to change colors in a room or if you have tried to paint a wall and not achieved the desired results, you will be glad to know that our Redding paint contractors have the expertise to help you achieve the paint job your home deserves.
EXTERIOR Home Painting - Redding, CA
If you are like most people, your home is probably your most valuable asset. Many people put off painting the outside of their home until it becomes a real problem. Waiting too long to protect your home can end up costing you more in the future. Don’t wait for wood to rot or for cracks to form in your home’s exterior. We are familiar with the nuances of painting all types of exterior surfaces. Call Golden Crest Painting today to protect your most valuable investment.
Want to Improve Your Home and Increase Its Value? A professional exterior paint job on your home can recoup close to 75% of its costs. Call us today! 530.604.3188.
Commercial Painting - Redding, CA
If you are a property manager, a homeowners association, a condominium association or if you own an office building or office space, Golden Crest Painting is a partner you can trust. We are commercial paint contractors, and are used to working on many different types of commercial projects. We will make things easy for you, keeping in mind your time, budget, and the need to stand above the rest. Golden Crest Painting has an unparalleled reputation among residential and commercial clients in the north state.